Next Generation Software
WaterStreet enables you to get to market faster by providing a preconfigured insurance solution that can be extended to meet the unique needs of your business. Our integrated solution ensures efficiency and provides the tools and capabilities essential to stay competitive in your market.
WaterStreet Policy Administration is integrated with billing and accounting, claims administration, and document management. Manage the full lifecycle of all your product lines from a single platform.
Next Gen Policy Administration for Accounting
Insurance accounting managers are faced with overseeing the financial policies and procedures for the accurate and consistent recording and reporting of all financial matters including external financial reporting, internal financial reporting, income and premium tax compliance, budgeting, expense management, and internal analysis and projections. Precise reporting and visibility into transaction data and the ability to automate accounting processes is of paramount importance.
Manage Your Business from One Platform
P&C insurance billing system seamlessly integrates with payment processing, premium accounting, regulatory reporting, and the WaterStreet Document Management system.
Provide Insightful Financial and Operational Analyses
Built-in business intelligence with 50+ industry standard reports and best-in-class analytics tools. View reconciliation reports and dashboards, accelerate statutory reporting, perform actuarial analysis, and perform exposure analysis and modeling.
Business Process Automation
Automated billing cycle management for accounts, policies, payroll, mortgagee billing and invoicing, and premium refund processing. With workflow automation and easy rule configuration, minimize bottlenecks and easily access information when it comes to underwriting, claims, customer service and much more.
Customize Billing and Payment Settings
Manage agent commission disbursement, incentives, and payments. Configure billing schedules, business rules, triggers, and forms as your business scales.
Open API
Our fully documented API and web services offer interoperability and integration across third party systems and services. As your business grows and seeks new, innovative data to support accounting practices, our API facilitates bringing this vital data into your system.
Improved Cash Flow
Intuitive user tools and flexible workflow to automate receivables management across multiple lines.
Reduce Billing Errors
Process automation and real-time reporting ensure fast and accurate data for accountability and visibility.
Decrease Operating Costs
Streamlined processes reduce time and effort of billing administration.
Enhance Customer Experience
Insured portal and mobile access, digital engagement capabilities elevate the customer experience.
Do More with WaterStreet
Faster, more efficient workflows mean cost savings for your company and greater customer satisfaction for the insured. Don’t wait to switch from a dated legacy system. The benefits of a cloud-based Policy Administration System allow for company-wide growth and an edge in your competitive landscape.